Welcome :)

I wish I never lost you...

Dear (Old) Best Friend,
You were my greatest friend, the one I could trust, the one I could rely on. I considered you my sister. I have known you for 5 years. You were the only friend I considered close to me, since I moved here. It was hard for me to trust anyone. You made that possible. We had so many good years and great moments. Were older now and soon we will be in college. Back then I thought I would never lose you as a friend...Lately you have drifted,drifted so far that you dont call me like you use to every single night just to tell me something. When I pass you in the hallway there is a rare chance that you will say "Hello." You think we are still the best friends we use to be, Because you have noticed nothing, no change, because you dont care. You say that you miss hanging out and that we need to soon. Everytime we try to hang out, you cancel on me for someone else. It's okay, I understand. Sometimes we have to move on. You go your way and I will go mine. I hope you have the greatest life and successed. I just wanted to let you know even though I have lost you...You were one of the greatest people in my life.
Love you.